Austin area. duration: 5 min 37 sec, credits: google maps, no profit intended.
Category: Laramie
400 Block North Laramie
Austin area school and community center. duration: 2 min, 10 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
Laramie and Augusta
Austin area, duration: 4 min, 48 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
Monroe Street
Austin area. Monroe eastward between Central and Laramie. duration: 3 min, 55 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
Gladys and Laramie
Austin area. duration: 3 min, 37 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
44 N. Laramie Building
Austin area. duration: 5 min, 22 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
400 Block South Laramie
Austin area.. duration: 3 min, 17 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
200 North Block Laramie
Austin area. duration: 4 min, 51 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
100 Block North Laramie Part 2
Austin area. duration: 3 min, 49 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.
100 Block North Laramie
Austin area. duration: 3 min, 51 sec. credits: google maps, no profit intended.