No profit intended. Pics are either public domain or fair use. duration: 5 min, 29 sec.
Chicago West Side Past and Present
Video and Pictorial Study of all of Chicago's West Side
No profit intended. Pics are either public domain or fair use. duration: 5 min, 29 sec.
This Brach saga has more. His daughter who was CEO of the company, disappeared and presumed murdered. My dad lived in a senior home and one of his friends was a close friend of Ms. Brach. She claimed to know the whole story but took it to her grave. This sage would make a great book/movie.
your are correct but i purposely kept the focus on divorces. incidentally, it is now believed that Helen was knocked off because she knew too much about a crime syndicate scheme to knock off prize horses and collect the insurance money. Helen was a horse breeder and was betrayed by someone whom she trusted.